Paperback and E-Book Out Now!
TRIGGER WARNING: This book contains scenes of rape, sexual assault, abuse, domestic violence and other physical violence.
By Romaine Heart · ★★★★★ · January 16, 2024
An excellent murder mystery that will grab you and won't let go until the end.
By Sonja · ★★★★★ · December 18, 2023
This book should be on your bucket list to read. It is suspenseful and psychological thriller. I enjoyed it and is definitely a page turner.
By Lilith Jane · ★★★★☆ · January 8, 2024
I was excited to start this Thriller and I was hooked to my seat. I read this book in two days and I nearly binged it in one.
Injustice For All
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Damon, a man on death row, finds himself with little time left. He meets his new psychiatrist, Doctor Emily Zurig, who is there to help him find peace before his final days, and convinces her to help him find the truth. While she is initially reluctant, through their sessions, she begins to see Damon in a different light. With the help of her superstar detective husband, Evan Zurig, they work to find the truth about the murders that Damon has been sentenced for. While Damon works to find peace, through fighting the demons of his past, he struggles to understand what it all means and what it's all for. He begins to lose faith as the time gets closer to his death. The ultimate questions arise: Should he even fight anymore? What's the point? Doctor Zurig and her husband work diligently to put the pieces together, but will it be too late?

I started writing at a very young age. I remember reading The Incredible Journey and wanting to write my own story of a dog that does everything they can to find the people they love. While my story may have been very short, I think I was eight and had no clue about pacing or character structure, I knew I loved it. As an adult, I found myself drawn to the writing of Stephen King and James Patterson. Along Came a Spider is my favorite book and I read it at least once a year. I love mystery, thriller and the unknown. I look forward to writing for years to come and growing as a writer. I have some stories coming up that I've worked on, here and there, for years. I think it's time to start getting some of these stories written and out of my brain for awhile. I hope you enjoy what you read and let me know what you think. I can always grow and get better.